Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Benjamin Franklin Bolt of Lightning

Bolt of Lightning by Isamu Noguchi

Japanese-American Isamu Noguchi designed this 60 ton stainless steel sculpture. It is 101 feet tall and marks the axis of Independence Mall and the Benjamin Franklin Bridge. It is situated at 5th Street and Vine, in a vest-pocket park. The sculpture depicts a bolt of lighting, a kite, and a key at the base. The structure itself represent Benjamin Franklin's famous kite-flying experiment.

Noguchi first proposed Bolt of Lightning in 1933, but his design was considered too radical at the time. Half a century later, it seemed just right, and Noguchi himself chose the location. The monument was placed in 1984.

Noguchi has said that he chose the location to place his monument based on the legend of Benjamin Franklin's famous kite-flying experiment. This story sparks the idea of the monument representing creativity and ingenuity. 

Despite its novelty and approval, the monument has gone through much controversy since its installment. His 102 foot, $850,000 stainless steel "Bolt of Lightning" is one of the most controversial of his works.

One local art critic wrote of the monument "it is an awkward archaism that fails in its intended purpose by every major criterion."
"It's so damn ugly it will take people's minds off the higher tolls," said one bridge commissioner, referring to a toll increase that went into effect at the same time the monument went up.
Others consider it a minor masterpiece but criticize its placement in the small bridge plaza - "a glorified, traffic island," said one art critic.
However, it still stands tall and is celebrated throughout Philadelphia.

Public art is showcased in movies in order to emphasize a central idea or to simply showcase the city in which the movie takes place. If I were use this piece of art in a movie I am making, and if I were to destroy it, the message would be that ingenuity should cease to continue. I would most likely have a villain destroy the Bolt of Lightning in order to send a message that creativity is going to die. The monument is a beacon of hope and creation. To destroy it would have a massive impact on artists and innovators throughout the city, especially since Philadelphia is a huge artistic community. This would represent Philadelphia just as well as the Pope statue flying through Rome in La Dolce Vita.

The Bolt of Lightning is an incredible monument that represents Philadelphia's grand plan to innovate and create. And it will continue to serve that purpose for years to come.

- Kevin Nguyen